Terms of Services


Your privacy is critically important to us. At NULIFE DANCE STUDIO, we have a few fundamental principles:

  • We are thoughtful about the personal information we ask you to provide and the personal information that we collect about you through the operation of our services.

  • We store personal information for only as long as we have a reason to keep it.

  • We aim to make it as simple as possible for you to control what information on our website is shared publicly (or kept private), indexed by search engines, and permanently deleted.

  • We help protect you from overreaching government demands for your personal information.

  • We aim for full transparency on how we gather, use, and share your personal information.

Below is our Privacy Policy, which incorporates and clarifies these principles.


Who We Are and What This Policy Covers


We are Nu-life Dance Studio

We teach people how to become PRO…Dancing Kompa – Zouk – Kizomba.

Nu-life Dance Studio was founded in 2012 and became a dance education facility the same Year.

Our studio has been formed for the purpose of operating to conduct classes, provide recreational opportunities for the community, and engage in other lawful events. The studio facility is being used for everyone who wants to find a place where to have fun dancing and different type of other events regarding our guidelines…

It is the intention of Nu-Life Dance Studio to provide a positive influence in a diverse community of people – to encourage individual growth and achievement, both spiritually and physically, and to be a safe and welcoming place for all. There will be diverse dance offerings, including (Kompa – Zouk – Folklore – Bolero – Twoubadou – Kizomba), as well as fitness classes, build self-esteem through movement and body awareness.


It offers a variety of dance education programs for its students. Classes are taught based on every single person’s ability level. A graded syllabus (curriculum), designed to meet the needs of every dancer, is incorporated at each level to ensure that exceptional dance training is provided for the beginner to pre-professional dancer. Each class size is limited to ensure the proper teacher dancer ratio… We have 3 levels, beginner, intermediate, advance. Nu-life Dance Studio Provides professional dance instruction in various styles taught by degree/experienced, instructors who have a passion for dance and a strong commitment to ensuring success, our instructors energized, and challenge students of every level to learn to love dance through superior dance techniques. Our staff is committed to supporting values as demonstrated through their selection of appropriate music, dance styles, and techniques while providing creative and technical excellence in every program. We focus on steps, Confidence, body language, ladies styling, self-motivation, acting, synchronization, body posture…we help you get your sexy on


We desire for our programs to be affordable in order to provide greater opportunities for students to experience and share the love of our culture through participation in class training, outreach, and great performance.  We are therefore committed to maintaining low tuition costs for our families as an aspect of our mission. NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO provides non-competitive dance education, we are promoting dance technique, self-esteem, personal growth, and cooperative spirit.


Students can expect that all faculty and staff will respect the well-being of each student, treat her/him fairly, and encourage their growth and self-esteem as unique individuals as stated in Factory Street’s mission statement. Should any concerns or issues arise, please do not hesitate to speak directly to us.



Registration for each dance class/level is per month, based on the schedule our students booked. ​

Registration is NOW OPEN for Online Classes

Students can book online classes on our website www.nulifedancestudio.com.

We provide the same instructions, except students won’t be physically active with us as a live session. We will assist our online students with Q&A at any time they will request from our staff…



Evaluations are required for everybody so we know the person’s dance  ability and skills using the guidelines below. This process helps us to place you according to your abilities and learning styles to ensure a successful and rewarding experience.

To set up an evaluation:

Determine which class you would take by using the guidelines below.

Check the class schedule for times and room locations.

Let us know that you are attending an evaluation class by contacting at info@nulifemegacorp.com or 561-644-4037 we can also help with any questions you may have.



Acts 17:28 Dance has a dress code, so please purchase dance attire for classes. If you don’t have dance wear, wear tights, sportswear Otherwise, leggings, and shirts (sufficient to cover the belly when arms are raised above the head).  Students are to arrive with appropriate dance attire and their hair pulled back. It is imperative that dancers be able to move freely without inhibition and that teachers are able to clearly see the line of the body in order to properly assess alignment and posture. Students may not wear the following items: jeans, short shorts, baggy sweatpants, pajamas, or big/distracting jewelry (no dangling earrings, bracelets, or necklaces). If a student consistently arrives without proper attire, she/he may be asked to sit out of class. Male Students are not permitted to wear jeans or Sneakers, but can wear shoes, pants, t-shirts.


If you register for a class after being evaluated, please review the Dress Requirements document, Dance wear, and dance shoes must be worn to all classes.  Failure to wear required dance wear to class could result in sessions paused.







Students should arrive 10 to 15 minutes before class begins.  Students may use this time to change, use the restroom, stretch, and prepare mentally. We encourage students to be on time and not miss class. Repeated lateness may result in termination of lessons

Absence & Make-up Lessons

Please let us know by email or call if you won’t be attending class due to illness or other obligations!  Doing so helps us stay connected with you and arrange for make-up lessons if needed. Students can make up a missed lesson in a class level below theirs, with permission from the instructor.

Classes are important, Fundamentals, and techniques built over the course. We work on student’s confidence, is encouraged and strengthened through the mastering of skill sets. If a student has two or more non-emergency absences from class during a Semester, we have reserved the right to terminate lessons.

If dancers miss class due to illness or other personal reasons, they will be able to make up the missed class in a similar class. There will be no discount or refund given for missed classes. There are no make-ups for classes missed when the studio is officially closed for holidays, etc. All classes missed due to inclement weather can be made up at your convenience using our existing class schedule

Inclement Weather

If a class is canceled because of inclement weather or facility closures, students will be allowed to participate in another class as a make-up lesson.  Weather session cancellations will be posted on the home page of our website and our social media platforms.

Make-up lessons for canceled classes will be scheduled. We will strive to announce make-up dates as soon as possible. Combined-level workshops and master classes may be offered as make-up lessons, with no additional tuition charges for students who have had a technique class canceled.





Please take a few moments to become familiar with our studio policies regarding payments, classroom etiquette, and dress code to ensure the best possible experience with us. Students are to arrive on time for class. Students arriving severely late may be asked to sit out of class to reduce the risk of injury after missing warm up. Please call to let us know that you will be late if you know you are running behind. Please call the studio to notify the office if you will be late due to an emergency.​




Just as teachers are expected to respect students, students are expected to respect each other.

  •   When using the lounge, and bathroom areas, students are expected to clean up after themselves, and packing up belongings.

  •   As our studio is a shared space, we ask that all students be aware that people of all ages are often present.

  • We ask that older students be aware that they are setting the example for younger students, and reflect wise choices in both their language and behavior.

  •   Dancers are to arrive on time and prepared for classes. This includes wearing proper attire and hair pulled back.

  •   In the event that a dancer is late and class has already started, the dancer is to come into the studio and wait by the door for the teacher to acknowledge them and give them instructions. Dancers arriving severely late may be asked to sit out of class to reduce the risk of injury after missing warm up.

  •   Consistency IS important! Plan your time wisely

  •   As a matter of respect for dance peers and the teacher, dancers are to keep talking to a minimum during class and participate fully in the lesson.

  •   Dancers are to leave bags, coats, and other personal belongings outside of the studios.

  • No cell phones, smart watches (like Apple Watch), smart earphones (like Air Pods) are allowed in the dance rooms at any time. If they are inside a dance bag, they should be turned off. If dancers are wearing these in class, they will be asked to remove and take to front desk staff for safe keeping until class is over.

  • Nu-life dance studio is not responsible for items left behind at the facility Center. Please make sure you check for all your belongings before leaving the studio.

  • so please no student allows to bring kids during class sessions.

  •   No food or drink is permitted within the studios except water.

  •   All dancers should bring a labeled water bottle to the studio.

  •   Gum is prohibited during class or in the studios.

  •   Dancers who consistently refuse to follow directions or respect their classmates may be asked to sit out of class (Behavior Policy outlined below).


No friends or siblings are allowed in the classroom at any time. This is for the benefit of your dancer. They will learn more if we have their complete attention.

For the safety of our dancers, we follow Palm Beach County’s decisions on inclement weather school closings. However, you should always use your own judgment when deciding to travel due to weather. We will confirm our closing via email when inclement weather affects nu-life dance studio Center. We will also communicate all schedule changes on social media as well! All classes missed due to inclement weather can be made up at your convenience using our existing class schedule.

We are available during office hours to answer any questions you might have! please call or email to set up an appointment You can reach us at info@nulifemegacorp.com or 561-644-4037.


CUSTOMER PORTAL: Each student will have a portal to process payments, register for classes, etc. It is your responsibility to keep all info (contact info, payment info, etc.) up to date. You can sign up or log in on the homepage of our website. Please contact info@nulifemegacorp.com  with any questions about your portal and/or account info.  In this portal, when registering student will need to sign off on all the policies below.


PHOTO RELEASE: The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs or videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials the school creates.  Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name. I hereby grant NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO permission to use my photograph/video for promotional purposes and/or social media and NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO website. *If you wish to not sign off on this, please contact info@NULIFEDANCESTUDIO.COM , you are not required to sign off on this.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand dance can be a strenuous activity and accept responsibility for any injuries that might incur while participating in any activity at NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO. and its employees are not liable for personal injury, or loss of or damage to personal property.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: We require a 30-day written notice via email if you need to withdraw from NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO. Please email info@nulifemegacorp.com  to withdraw from our sessions. After the 30-day notice, we will terminate your monthly installment.


NOTE: Students who do not follow etiquette expectations will first be given a verbal warning and subsequently given strikes according to our behavior policy outlined below. Young students are encouraged to engage with their instructors and classmates in order to become confident and independent with as few distractions as possible. Special exceptions may be made. Please speak with one of the instructors if you wish to observe any other



We are committed to educating our students, model behaviors, and help dancers grow with love and respect in this program. If for any reason a student does not meet the expectations outlined above, Nu-life dance studio has a 2-strikes policy with regard to students misbehaving at the studio – in or outside of class. ** Students will initially receive a couple of verbal prompts with guidance by staff and/or teachers to help students demonstrate appropriate behavior. Strikes will not be administered for these initial redirections of behavior. Strikes will only be given after behavior correction and/or redirecting does not work in the classroom context. Our goal is to help students shift their behavior in a more positive direction.


Nu-life dance studio Injury and Illness Policy

Nu-life dance studio’s goal is to provide a safe, secure environment for dance and movement education. However, the risk of injury exists in any physical activity.

In order to minimize the impact of injury and illness on the dancers in our studio space, and to protect dancers for the long-term, the following policy has been developed.

Age-appropriate warm-up and cool-down will be part of each class session.

If an injury should occur in class, the dancer should tell the teacher immediately and will be advised to sit out and observe the remainder of the class. If the injury is determined to require immediate care, or a close family member will be called and/or emergency transport to a medical facility arranged.

Students who have suffered an injury in class will be sent home with an incident report detailing the injury and reminding families of this policy.

If an injury is significant enough to require missing more than one class, Nu-life dance studio will require a doctors note detailing prognosis and any recommendations for necessary modifications, or clearing the student to dance without exceptions.

If you have suffered an injury outside of class, please notify your teacher at the beginning of class so that modifications can be discussed.

If you are ill and cannot attend class, please call the studio to let us know you will be absent.

If you are running a fever, please do not attend class.

If you get sick during class, please alert your teacher or a member of our staff immediately, so that we can call your parent/guardian.



NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO sends primary communications via EMAIL. We do not share email addresses with anyone outside of our organization. Important billing information, as well as studio updates, are sent via email. Please check with us, to make sure that we have your correct email address on file. If classes need to be canceled to instructor issues, an email will be sent to the entire class accounts no later than 12 hours before. In case of cancellations due to weather, dance classes will be automatically canceled. Important notifications will be posted on our FACEBOOK PAGE as well. You are encouraged to follow NU-LIFE DANCE Studio on FB and Instagram (@NULIFE.KOMPA.DANCE.STUDIO) as important information is often shared there.



While we understand that cell phones and social media are primary ways through which people communicate, we have set forth the following guidelines for cell phone and social media interaction between NU-LIFE DANCE Studio faculty/staff and students.

Please limit cell phone communication between staff and students to emergency situations only.

NULIFE DANCE STUDIO Studio / STAFF should not accept friend requests from our students who are under the age of 18-years-old.

no photos of students should be posted on personal social media pages without students consent

No private information about students or other nu-life dance studio/staff should be shared via text or social media, ever.

If in doubt, please discuss your concerns with our staff. As a reminder, no cell phones should be allowed in class.




To make sure everyone is informed and can make necessary plans, NULIFE DANCE STUDIO staff will email teachers, students, and families at 1:00 pm regardless of the decision.  We know that many families must make special arrangements to accommodate school closures, so students who are not able to attend will not be penalized under the attendance policy.


As a part of our efforts to become a paperless facility, FSS sends monthly Dance NEWS emails to all families with information about upcoming events, new developments, and any pertinent information about the studio. We ask that families read these newsletters as they contain helpful calendar reminders, new opportunities for our students, and other important information.




Private lessons may be sought for a variety of reasons: pre-professional development, special needs, or individualized technique growth. Current NULIFE DANCE STUDIO students seeking to enhance their dance experience through individual study should contact us to determine an appropriate plan.

Studio Rental:

The studio may be rented for rehearsals or other appropriate activities.

Requests to reserve space must be submitted at least 48 hour in advance of desired studio usage. You must receive an email approval from us to confirm your studio rental request. Last minute space rentals will not be granted.



For all new students, 1st class is free.

Tuition for classes is paid by month, the time of registration, not per class, and must be paid in full according to the payment dates listed on the tuition schedule, or except if a staff agreed for a payment plan. Our sessions are once a week, when student decide to register for private sessions, a non-refundable registration fee of $20 per student is required to keep the spot. You will receive a payment confirmation email once your payment has been processed

Payments must be made by, Debit Card, zelle, cashapp, or PayPal

If student qualified for Payment plan, half of class tuition has to be paid the same day of registration, and the other half after 2 weeks, during the 3rd class to complete full balance.

Invoice reminders will be emailed to you.


For private sessions with more than 2 people

When a student book for private class with one more person, there will be a discount for both of them.

When a student calls to book for private class with 2 more people, the person who called, will receive 50% of of their monthly fee, as long that the 2 other people continue to pay their sessions…    ​

Cancellation Policy

If we have student card info in our data base, all cancellations must be requested in writing prior to the date in which the next payment is due (by the end of the monthly session). No further payment will be required for the upcoming semester if cancelled prior to that date.  All previous payments are FINAL.  Refunds will be granted ONLY if we have any issue to continue our sessions with any student.



I hereby authorize NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO. to charge my credit or debit card for all services and products related to my enrollment in classes and activities at NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO including but not limited to tuition, Fees are subject to change. If I elect to pay annual tuition via monthly installments, I understand that my credit or debit card will continue to be charged on the monthly, session or periodic basis unless I notify the studio in writing 30 days before intent to discontinue via email to info@NULIFEDANCESTUDIO.COM  and receive an acknowledged returned response from NU-LIFE DANCE STUDIO staff. I understand that it will not be sufficient notice to merely tell an instructor or other employee of our intent to discontinue. I have read this entire agreement and understand that I will be held fully responsible for its terms and conditions of service, including a 30-day written notice by email to NULIFE DANCE STUDIO of any intent to discontinue. I understand that once the monthly installments for my annual tuition have occurred there will be no refund given if I decide to discontinue. I agree to notify NULIFE DANCE STUDIO immediately of any change in the status of my charge account including but not limited to card expiration, name change, limitation of use, loss or theft of the card, etc. In the event that the amount charged is refused for whatever reason, I accept responsibility for full payment for the amount charged. We accept cash, zelle, cashapp, paypal, VISA, DISCOVER, and MASTERCARD.





Who we are

Suggested text: Our website address is: https://nulifedancestudio.com.


Suggested text: When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.


Suggested text: If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Embedded content from other websites

Suggested text: Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Who we share your data with

Suggested text: If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long we retain your data

Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

What rights you have over your data

Suggested text: If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.